![Blog.txt](images/blogtxt.png "Blog.txt") Blog.txt Updated to use #PHP 5 classes However... Fixed bugs Working ##RSS Feeds Custom ###stylesheets Displays ########retina images and backgrounds New projects? ![S2I](images/sendToInstapaper.png "Send to Instapaper") Send to Instapaper .safariextz Keyboard Shortcut Contextual Menu ![S2I Preview](images/sendToInstapaperPreview.png "Preview") easily send links directly to your ######Instapaper account Let me show you Presentation in the browser? Google Docs? [Big](https://github.com/tmcw/big "Big github page") ##Presentations in the browser using JS + CSS use ↔ to navigate #####Markdown displayed as ##big as it can be using only font-sizes according to the golden ratio For example: 5, 9, #14 , 23, 37, 59, 96... ###no config
#######(unless you want to) ![backgrounds](images/background.jpg "background") ########background ![and inline images](images/image.png "inline") images #'#'s for colors #Red
######Light Blue
#######Light Grey
########Dark Grey
forked from [github.com/tmcw/big](https://github.com/tmcw/big "Original") [Original Presentation](http://macwright.org/big/#0 "Original Big Presentation") [Example Source](images/HTML.png "Example Presentation) [My Source](images/Markdown.png "My Presentation") Use it for your next #RCOS presentation MD+JS+CSS [github.com/mdznr/big](https://github.com/mdznr/big "github page") Thank you Moorthy Sean O'Sullivan RCOS